Writing Tips

Developmental Edit

From the beginning I knew hiring a professional editor to clean up my messy manuscript was a necessity. However, I only knew of the copy edit and proofread, not the developmental edit. I learned quickly, the developmental edit took your book out of the awkward adolescent stage, into a slightly more polished young adult stage. […]

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Info Dumping

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Or Revenge of The Fifth if you like Star Wars. Today, I thought I’d go back to my old writing roots, instead of spouting about current things going on in my personal life. Although info dumping which is the blog topic for today hits close to home. Now, we all know

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As both a writer and a person on the autism spectrum, it’s a safe assumption that I have no friends and abhor social gatherings. Well, that stereotype holds a little weight and has a bits of truth sprinkled in there. I have a group of friends and we hand out as often as we can

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Continuity Course

With my sequel in the works, I’m officially on the continuity course. It’s a metaphor, but still a challenge that even the greatest authors, writers, and directors struggle with. Sometimes the sequel strikes gold again, other times it crumbles into dust and ruins the reputation of the entire franchise and creator. Writing sequels is a

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I remembering hearing the phrase “branding” a lot as a teenager watching youtubers on his phone. The sentence of you have to protect your branding and make yourself stand out from the rest, was firmly planted into my mind. Little did I know then how much I would personally be affected by it. As a

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Clean Slate

Happy 2024 readers! It’s my first blog post of the new year and I am thrilled to continue this tradition I’ve established here. I achieved so much in 2023, both personally and professionally. However, 2024 is a clean slate and I can’t get complacent with my past achievements like someone who peaked in high school.

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The Sequel

The Sequel to my first novel, Looked Down Upon: The Exiled Kin is currently in the drafting stages of publication. It’ll probably be a over a year before it gets published. I promise though it will be worth the wait. From the beginning stages, I planned on making this a trilogy novel series. However, the

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Seizing Opportunities

Seizing opportunities typically yields favorable results. I’m sure we were all told by our parents and teachers to take advantage when an opportunity presents itself. The truth is, many people are terrified of failure and simply let the opportunity pass them by. This is a mistake because usually the worst result of taking an opportunity

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