
Burnout. We’ve all experienced one tie or another. It takes many forms too. Work burnout, School, burnout, Writer burnout. At some time you were will your wall in some activity or duty I do daily. Last week, you may have noticed I didn’t post, it’s because i was feeling the ailments of burnout and couldn’t muster the strength to post my weekly blog. So, I did my play last and it was amazing; but it had a price. So, long story short, we had rehearsals every day the week leading up to the play. Six days in a row for theater and I was still working most of those days. The stress of staying up late and waking up early took its toll on my body. By Sunday evening the burnout hit andI got sick.

Take care of Yourself

Listen To Your Body

I didn’t have much choice in my burnout as I have to work and I made a commitment to the play, but most of time people experience burnout of things they don’t have a choice like work, school, or parenting. So, I got a sore throat, which I thought was just me losing my voice from singing. Then I caught a fever and was super congested. I’m much better now, but it took a week to recover. So, I think this was my body reminding me that even I need a break sometimes. We’re only human, not machines. If you push your body too hard, sooner or later you’ll suffer burnout and have a bad time.