Writing Origins


Procrastinating. I believe everyone is at least somewhat familiar with this action. We’ve all done it one time or another. Even if you’re not a typical procrastinator when it comes to a school project or college essay, I’m sure you’ve put off something  until the last minute. Whether it was your chores, an obligation to […]

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! Well, actually it was yesterday, but that’s beside the point. I turned twenty-four, and it baffles me how fast time flies ever since high school graduation. Every year seems to get shorter and shorter, with zero signs of slowing down. Now, I had a very Happy Birthday! Even though I didn’t

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Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! I hope everyone is enjoying time with their families. Even if your dad is longer with us or you have a strained relationship, that’s valid, too. Anyway, I got to see my father yesterday, and it was a pleasure catching up. Father’s day always reminds me to keep trying to build a

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Struggles of commitment

Struggles of commitment are tiresome. Now I’m not referring to marriage or relationships. Remain faithful to your partner, please. I’m talking about staying committed to a project, task, or exercise. While the process may be strenuous, the rewards are valuable. The struggles of commitment are a pathway to paradise. There’s a saying, nothing worthwhile is

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Laments of Writing

Laments of Writing. Every writer experiences the woes and challenges of this hobby. From Writer’s block to the insecurity you feel when a piece comes out, not how you envisioned it. Writing is a medium of art and you put your blood, sweat, and tears to bring it to life. I have a story to

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Vacation reset

Vacation resets. It’s like hitting a button in your brain. I just got back from a weeklong vacation. We went to New Orleans by the way, (NOLA!!!). I had never been, so it was quite a unique experience for someone who grew up in New England. We had this getaway planned for a while. Leading

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A Souring Experience

A souring experience derailed my writing career before it even began. I’m sure you’re asking, “Well, what do you mean by that, Jordan?” Let me tell you about this experience, which soured my love for writing for years. I was just a student in middle school and the concept of poetry, storytelling, and punctuation was

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