Writing Origins

On The Stage

Being on the stage was a big childhood fear of mine. It made public speaking look like a playground in my opinion. It may have stemmed from the fact I never enjoyed being the center of attention or the fact that unlike Tom Brady I have zero grace under pressure. I know I’d stutter, forget […]

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How It All Started

How it all started. My journey as a writer started late as most of you already know. I wasn’t a prodigy who spent his entire childhood writing poetry or since I could hold a pencil. It was college, where I fell love with writing and truly started honing my craft in the art of writing.

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Using Your Voice

Using your voice is what will lead to change in your life. I can speak from experience, as I’m not exactly what you’d call a social butterfly. Since I can remember I’ve always been more of a waller, a man of action than words. Perhaps, it’s the autism or that’s just my personality. We’ll ever

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Finish The Story

Finish the story. It’s an expression as old as time. I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot in media recently and I strongly resinated with it. As you know, it took me over four years to publish my book. There were many trials and tribulations along the way. The editing, the plot holes, writer’s block,

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Having your book for available for pre-order is a win for all parties involved. For the reader, they get to order it in advance and potentially get a discount on a new product. The author gets the book out early and you can promote the book further to generate more buzz. As for the publisher,

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Advocating was never something I desired to do. I just wanted to mind my business and try to make something of myself. In my eyes, that would be difficult to do if I were also focusing on lifting others up. It doesn’t help that I am more introverted and reserved, being the center of attention

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Author’s Copy

I received my author’s copy of the book im publishing earlier this week. The book is certainly beautiful to look at. This has been a long time coming. The moment I clicked ‘enable distribution’ on my book was one of the most thrilling moments of my life. I ordered quite a few copies of books,

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