The Exhausted Epiphanies

The Exhausted Epiphanies are ideas you get right before bed. You ever get the most brilliant ideas at the most inconvenient time? When there’s no notepad in site to jot it down or you think of the perfect comeback to an argument a day late? As someone who enjoys writing, I find myself coming up with my best ideas as I lay in bed. It’s not by choice, believe me. I can sit in front of my computer for hours and not a single creative thought ends up typed on the document. Just when I’m about to throw in the towel and lie in bed, a phenomenal idea to advance the plot in the story goes off like a light in my head. Knowing that when I wake up, the idea will be lost, I hastily fetch a notepad. I quickly write it down in my chicken scratch. My mind has a tendency to be most active at night and sometimes I can’t seem to turn it off. So, I distract myself by either reviewing what transpired during the day or anticipate future events. In the chaos, I come up with ideas for my creative writing.

Keep a notepad near your bed

Write your ideas down before sleeping

I was curious why this is the case, so I dove into some research and discovered that when you are tired, the frontal lobe of your brain is missing some energy signals and thus you become slightly more creative than ordinary. During the day, most people find themselves driven during their optimal times and your mind is not able to wander. At the end of the day, your mind is finally free to come up with extravagant ideas because you are not busy with responsibilities. I recommend writing them down as there is a great chance you will not remember them when you awaken. I have had the misfortune of falling victim to this and it led to regret. Stay vigilant for the exhausted epiphanies. Don’t let sleep get in the way of your great ideas.