Discovering Your Passion!

Discovering your passion in life can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re indecisive like myself. There are so many interesting hobbies and activities out in the world! Baking, archery, painting, fishing, playing an instrument, and many more! You may be asking yourself, “How can writing poetry or short stories possibly cause more joy than anything else?” Well, you see, I used to be in the same boat until I was in college. I abhorred writing. In middle school, I struggled grasping the rules of writing, such as when to use comas or how to construct a poem. Hard to believe now right? Long story short, I called it quits with writing for a while. I never wrote outside of mandatory essays for school. Until one day, one of my English essays was selected to be published in my college newspaper. My Professor complimented my writing abilities and encouraged me to continue, before long I began writing poetry to express my emotions. Just like that, I discovered my passion and writing took off as one of my favorite pastimes. Without this revelation during college, I may not be writing this blog here right now.

Put yourself out there and try new things

Go the extra mile to find your passion

This experience illustrates that you should be in no rush to unlock the hidden talents inside you. Eventually, it shall find its way to you and lead you to a whole new perspective on life. I found YouTube can introduce you to a plethora of new hobbies. I think mentors and a strong support system can influence your interests in both adolescence and adulthood. Talk to friends who have different hobbies than you. They may invite you to try out activities you never do by yourself, such as skydiving, going to a concert, or doing a podcast. Building relationships is just as important as finding your way in the world. Whether it’s a teacher or friend, the key takeaway here is to not knock something until you try it. Also, even if the first time you don’t enjoy an activity, come back to it in a few years and perhaps your view will change like mine did. I hope one day you will also discover your passion. If not, then just keep looking! It’s out there waiting for you!