You’re Published!

You’re published! Congratulations, so what now what? That’s not a rhetorical question, by the way. Even though you finished the book, the story is still ongoing. What does this mean, exactly? Well, once your book is out and available for purchase, you want to keep marketing it. I know, the promoting, advising, and marketing seems like a reoccurring nightmare. If you want your book to have the most reach, you must keep putting yourself out there. Even though you’re published, most people still don’t know who you are yet. There are a few ways to remedy this little problem and I can help.

What do you do now thast you're published?

Being a writer doesn't end when the book does

The easiest solution is to build hype on social media. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. You want your audience to know that you’re published now. However, you can go the extra mile and reach out to your local library and bookstore. Give them your story and pitch the idea of doing an author meet and greet or a book signing. Even doing something simple, such as donating a copy of your book, is a great way to get your foot in the door. One more idea for you is to network with people. You have nothing to lose by asking a local business owner if you can advertise that you’re published. The worst they can do is say no. If you want the best for your book, just keep looking for opportunities. They’re out there.