Vacation reset

Vacation resets. It’s like hitting a button in your brain. I just got back from a weeklong vacation. We went to New Orleans by the way, (NOLA!!!). I had never been, so it was quite a unique experience for someone who grew up in New England. We had this getaway planned for a while. Leading up to the vacation, it seemed like I hit a plateau in my writing, as I was barely writing one poem a week. On top of that, I was kind of forcing it, so I wasn’t always proud of the final product. However, that was quickly remedied. I’ll tell you as soon as the plane took off, the vacation reset had kicked in. It had already inspired me to write the outline of two new poems before the plane even touched the ground.

Vacays are the antidote to writer burnout

Relax and the inspiration will come to you!

Now with my autism, I’m not big on crowds, so I’m not a big fan of cities. So, I brought along a book to read on vacation in my downtime. The book is called “Never Finished by David Goggins,” which I highly recommend reading. The book and my surroundings inspired a few poems within my mind. I quickly typed them up in my phone, since I didn’t bring a notepad. Always have a notepad, phone, piece of paper, or journal by your side to write your ideas. Memories are fallible and just as fast as they pop up, they disappear. Vacation resets and even self-care are essential for writing burnout and writer’s block. Would you rather claw and force out one poem in a week or have three poems come to you naturally in a couple of days? Seems like an obvious choice to me. So, please hit that vacation reset button in your mind, even if it’s just for a day.