Using Your Voice

Using your voice is what will lead to change in your life. I can speak from experience, as I’m not exactly what you’d call a social butterfly. Since I can remember I’ve always been more of a waller, a man of action than words. Perhaps, it’s the autism or that’s just my personality. We’ll ever truly know for sure. Anyway, I had to get out of my comfort zone and use my voice to talk to people about my book yesterday. Yes, I had another amazing opportunity to sell and sign my novel, Looked Down upon: The Exiled Kin. Courtesy of a friend who had a booksale at a warehouse. I was near the entrance and I had to engage in conversation to promote my book and it’s upcoming sequel.

Nothing will change if You Don't Speak Up

Your Voice is a Superpower. Use it!

It took a while for me to find my voice, let alone to use my voice. I remember giving my first speech in front of an audience in High school. My voice was shaky and I stuttered a few times, but when the speech was finished a round of applause rained down on me. That was the precise moment where I learned the power of using your voice. In fact, throughout history speaking up has resulted in many changes and extinguish many oppressive practices like slavery, segregation, restricting someone’s right to vote, etc. In the end, I sold all eight copies that I brought yesterday. Since that’s all that was left from the last book signing, and my ordered copies didn’t arrive on time. If I had not used my voice, these opportunities wouldn’t have come up and I wouldn’t have made a dime. So, remember that using your voice is the key to opening up life’s doors to greener pastures.