The Writers’ Unending War

The Writer’s Unending War, it’s called. It happens to every writer. Whether it’s those simply writing a mandatory college essay or those writing a novel. You’re under the impression that you have all these ideas flooding your head, then you sit at the computer and suddenly the tap in your brain runs dry. Eventually, you’re stuck there procrastinating and every idea you have seems silly. You have just encountered writer’s block. Writer’s block is much like standing in the middle of a frozen lake. It seems whether you move forward, back, left or right, the ice will give way and you’ll plunge into the frigid water. At times, I have just wanted to restart my entire story from scratch or throw my computer against the wall. Only problem is that is counterproductive, so instead I think of rational solutions to help my situation.

I know it's frustrating but you must persevere

Sometimes it's best to walk away for a bit

In writing, some days you are hot and others you’re cold, and on those difficult days, it can be mentally draining when nothing seems to formulate in your brain. So, to keep you motivated, I recommend first taking a break or a nap to clear your head. Many suggest to just write the first that comes to mind, even if it may not be any good. Writing something is better than writing nothing ten times out of ten. There will be instances where you’ll either be unmotivated or in severe cases feel like a fraud, but it is all in your head. I think it’s important to remember not to be too hard on yourself if your creative juices aren’t flowing and that writer’s block is inevitable, but the way you react to it makes the difference. It is an obstacle that will make you a better writer when you’re on the other side of it. You will encounter this more than once, but each time you face this challenge, it will become easier as time goes on. It’s the writer’s unending war.