Staying Inspired

Staying inspired is exhausting and unsustainable as an artist. In today’s digital age, it’s encouraged and almost mandatory for social influencers and content creators to put out as much content as possible as quickly as possible. Quantity over quality often wins over quality over quantity. The issue I take with that is quality content is difficult to come by when you’re on a strict timetable. As artists, we experience burnout like everyone else at work or school. However, we may also experience writer’s block or creative block. These are obstacles where it seems impossible to come up with any material, no matter the effort. Writer’s block can last for hours, days, or maybe weeks. I find trying to force your way out of it makes it worse. I’ve mentioned in many blogs that you should let the idea come to you. There have been times I’ve gone days without touching my book. Then suddenly in bed, in the shower, or while eating, I find out how to fill in a plot-hole or add dialogue that stirs up the scene. It can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re trying to publish, but it will pass. Don’t let that little voice inside your head convince that you’re a bad artist, writer, or creator. Many people feel like frauds or undeserving when they can’t find inspiration for ideas. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t make you a fraud, it actually makes you human.

We can find inspiration in the most unexpected places

Inspiration comes in a variety of forms. May stay inspired through different means and emotions. Natures motivates some, while death inspires others. Some of the greatest creations were from people mourning and in emotional pain. Art provided them an outlet for their pain, and they gifted the world with their message. Which is a reason I adore writing and art. However, depression doesn’t need to be your origin of inspiration. I credit a lot of my work to hope, love, God, and other contributors, not just grief. Inspiration is all around us. You just have to open your creative mind to the endless possibilities. You’re bound to suffer from creative block from time to time, but that shouldn’t stop you from finding inspiration. It;s all we have as writers, artists, and content creators. It’s the source that helps create your art. So, go out and see the world. It will provide the needed inspiration you ever so desire, or step away for a moment and let it come to you. There are no wrong choices in your strategy. Different techniques work for different people. Just stay inspired in your quest to create art.

The lightbulb will go off soon. Stay inspired!