
Procrastinating. I believe everyone is at least somewhat familiar with this action. We’ve all done it one time or another. Even if you’re not a typical procrastinator when it comes to a school project or college essay, I’m sure you’ve put off something  until the last minute. Whether it was your chores, an obligation to a friend, your blog post (*cough *cough) or something you really just don’t want to do. I can relate, trust me. I’ve participated in my fair share of self sabotage. Heck, most of the time don’t even know what my blog post topic will be until the day I post. My way of procrastinating is usually sleeping, playing video games, listening to music, or watching youtube videos. There’s no magic wand I can wave to end your procrastinating tendencies, but listen up and I’ll see if I can help you out.

Procrastination is your brain lying to you

Don't get betrayed by your laziness

Procrastinating is a feel good moment that comes back to bite you in the future. I recommend making a to do list and commit to doing at least one thing on your list every couple of hours. It will give you a sense of accomplishment without overworking your brain or overexerting your body. Take an hour break to do what you like and get on to the next thing on your list. Once you change your mentality to “The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can relax” you’ll be golden. As for school, write at least one to two paragraphs a day. Don’t overestimate the time you have, it will fly by. Now, I’m not one for talking the talk without walking the walk. I’ve had some character development myself. I’m wrote this blog Saturday instead of Sunday. Procrastinating has never benefited anyone long term because eventually it catches up to you.