
Drying ink fades away

On paper it slowly stains

A permanent scar


Haiku No. 41: Drying Ink

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 16, 2025

As the time passes us by

Good days become fond memories

Thinking there’s always tomorrow 

Tears of grief stream down

Begging to see them again

Realizing I never said goodbye

Now there’s no more time


Poem No. 41: No More Time

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 17, 2024

The higher you go

The winds of change pierce your flesh

Like knives in the back


Haiku No. 40: Winds Of Change

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – July 20, 2024

Upon the ashes of a colonial lawn

Lies the foundation of a real garden

Worked tirelessly from dusk to dawn

As the green sprout pierces the soil

I remember when the flowers were seeds

With water and sun their roots toiled

Invaders don’t belong on native land

There’s beautiful natural flora around

Abundant and to be planted by hand


Poem No. 40: Gardens Not Lawns

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – June 30, 2024

Why am I drowning?

The world is underwater

No where to resurface


Haiku No. 39: Underwater

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 25, 2024

Support and compliments from kind strangers

Unfamiliar to a neurodivergent

used to keeping walls up

People can be a danger,

from being ashamed to being proud of how I am

Acceptance is the final stage,

I’d rather others misunderstand me,

than pretend to be a sham

One day day at a time, changing people’s perception

We’ve come such a long way

Fro the pitiful to a true inspiration


Poem No. 39: A Long Way

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 19, 2024

The desert’s clutches

Dust collecting on my skin

Tells me where I’ll be


Haiku No. 38: Desert's Clutches

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 28, 2024

I just want to stand up for myself

But there is a frog in my throat

When it’s time to do the right thing

My tongue becomes a sinking boat

Disappearing from this cruel world

Speak up! Even if your voice shakes

It is a special gift one can bestow

Because it can shatter barriers

And change the course of history

All to do now is take the next step


Poem No. 38: Frog In My Throat

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 21, 2024

Easter has arrived

He has finally risen

Proving doubters wrong


Haiku No. 37: He has Risen

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – March 31, 2024

My heart beating out of my chest

All the blood rushing to my head

When will I prove that I’m not less?

Arms sway in the breeze, to go quick

Feel like I’m laid to rest in a coffin

Until then I will sprint ’til I die

There’s pain, but everything to gain

Or when my legs give and collapse

Than running man will endure the pain


Poem No. 37: The Running Man

Poetry by Jordan Lopez  – March 23, 2024

Bright lights and curtains

They’re on the edge on of their seats

The stage awaits me


Haiku No. 36: The Stage Awaits

Poetry by Jordan LOpez – March 10, 2024

I did it! I won the medal, gold

Despite the competition being bold

From the races that I dashed

While mimicking the superhero, Flash

To the pit in which I jumped

Leaving the crowd stumped

Thank you, I wished it lasted longer

But I promise to return next year stronger


Poem No. 36: Gold Medal

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – March 3, 2024

Sun staying longer

Warming hearts, thawing the snow

It’s winters’ last stand


Haiku No. 35: Winter's Last Stand

Poetry by Jordan Lopoez – February 24, 2024

My kind of love is true love

We last through thick and thin

My kind of love is painful

Not just the honeymoon phase

My kind of love is unconditional 

Despite quarrels, we reconcile

My kind of love is meaningful

Beyond romance and intercourse

My kind of love isn’t shallow

Love your soul, not just beauty

My kind of love is eternal

Until death do us part


Poem No. 35: My Kind Of Love

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 16. 2024

Ice crystals dangle

My reflection staring back

Into my cold eyes


Haiku No. 34: Ice Crystals Dangle

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 9, 2024

A wandering Nomad

Now free to explore 

What the earth has in store

A journey like no other

Traveling the world

With my papers in order

I’m given the go ahead

To cross any border

Of my own choosing


Poem No. 34: Wandering NOmad

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 3, 2024

Wish I could go back

To being young and naive 

The simplier times


Haiku No. 33: Simpler Times

Poetry by Jordan opez – Janurary 27, 2024

The world judged my lasting disability

You assumed that just damaged goods

but you’d be terribly misguided friend

All you have to do is look under the hood

Pity me, underestimate me, or exile me

To stop the bloodline from being tainted

I implore you. Why not just let me be?

If you just opened your eyes and heart

I’ll prove that while we aren’t the same

At our core, we are not so different


Poem No. 33: Damaged Goods

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 21, 2024

I keep shivering

The  first snowfall of winter

Arrives with frozen tears


Haiku No. 32: First Snowfall

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 13, 2024

Man made angel wings take flight

My ears popping, as we ascend

To the sacred heavenly domain

Here amongst the white clouds

Their touch soft as cotton candy

Tired, I shut my heavy eyes

And retreat to a gentle slumber

Dreaming that I shall one day

Return to these skies above

With my body and soul as one


Poem No. 32: Heavenly Domain

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 6, 2024

Start of a clean slate

People say ‘New Year New Me’

Only to give up


Haiku No. 31: New Year

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 31, 2023

The holidays are lurking

around the corner

People put on fake smiles

and act all jolly

As if that’s an antidote for

their sheer folly

I wrap up the presents

like a mummified body

Money well spent, my dreams

flushed down the potty

One light  of these lame

festivities, the mistletoe

To get kissed, a Christmas 

miracle, even if just for show

That’s all I want from Good

Ol’ Saint Nicholas


Poem No. 31: Christmas Miracle

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 23. 2023

A Merry Christmas

Warm miracles in the winter

Happy Holidays


Haiku No. 30: Happy Holidays

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 17, 2023

As a boy I dreamed of greatness

To the stars in the sky above go toward

My parents taught me but there’s

No where else to go but forward

As I age, I become more lost and angry

Until I’m a wandering soul search

For a reward that never really existed

Yet I never yield, I’d sonner perish

A voice in my head keeps insisting

That I remain young and tenacious


Poem No. 30: Dreams Of Greatness

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 10, 2023

On this Holy Night

The first snowfall has arrived

Our Savior Is here


Haiku No. 29: Holy Night

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 3, 2023

I was your friend, knowing

that you were toxic

The insults changed me

until I became stoic

Your hateful comments

are fully hypnotic

When I finally woke up

it made me feel unheroic


Poem No. 29: Toxic Friends

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 26, 2023

The grass goes dormant

As flora withers away

To return next year


Haiku No. 28: Flora Goes Dormant

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 19, 2023

White phosphorus bombs going off

Kicking up dust in the air

Committing crimes of war and

breaking international laws

The audacity to harm innocent

Children, even just a hair

Occupiers perform atrocities

Such as ethnic genocide

Which side in the history 

books will you be on?

It’s time to take a stand

and decide, even if you cry

Talks of an invasion shot

over whimpers of a ceasefire

Only the indigenous are past

peace in the Middle East

Fighting to stop a massacre

and the rain of Hellfire


Poem No. 28: Free Palestine

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – Novvember 11, 2023

Cold air, morning frost

Warm dawns turn to early dusks

Where did summer go?


Haiku No. 27: Where Did SUmmer go?

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 4, 2023

Green leaves turn yellow, orange, 

red, and brown

Blue skies turn gray and the rains 

come crashing down

Bringing the wind of change 

upon us once again

Seasons come and go before you 

can count to ten

Scary movies, festivals, and 

beautiful tree lines

Autumn brings with it a feeling 

like no other kind


Poem No. 27: Autumn Kind

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 22, 2023

Kid’s screams fill the night

Friday the 13th has arrived

The spookiest Time 


Haiku No. 26: Friday The 13th

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 15, 2023

Hear the waves crashing

And smell that salty sea air

See nature’s glory


Haiku No. 25: Nature's Glory

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 1, 2023

Within this great labyrinth

lies a symphony of suffering

Siphoning the air from my breath

There is no escape in sight

I bang my head against the wall

Hoping one day to see the light

Bogged down by this heavy chain

The maze has made me into a husk

Yet, I still can’t dull my pain


Poem no. 26: The Great Labryrinth

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 23, 2023

The frost melts away

Bringing back fertile soil

The Green’s rule returns


Haiku no. 24: Green's Rule

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 3, 2023

The wind blowing through my hair

Blood coursing through my veins

The road ahead, my wide eyes stare

Soles pounding against the Earth

My body running on adrenaline

Toughest challenge since birth

This race will not make me flee

With sweat dripping down my face

On this path, I roam forever free 


Poem no. 25: Power of Running

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 27, 2023

Ink represents blood

Streaming through paper like skin

My pain is a book


Haiku no. 23: pain is a BOok

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 20, 2023

Not everyone can be the

Cream of the Crop. This

forever holds true

Some wither and die. Others

are devoured, and few see

the light of day

Battling pests, drought, and 

floods, the harvest will

be plentiful through.

I may not be the Cream of

the crop, but I’ll keep you

from starving away


Poem no. 24: Cream of the Crop

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 13, 2023

Humble beginnings

A small city of all heart

Raised the man of art


Haiku no. 22: All Heart

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 4, 2023

One day for the honorable men

helping raise the next generation

What would sons be without them?

Today, I am grateful for my dad

He taught me kindness and strength

I wish I saw you more than I had

You never were such a bother

Through good times and rough

I shall always honor thy father


Poem no. 23: Father's Day

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – July 16, 2023

Through blood, sweat, and tears,

The book finally written

As I turn the page


Haiku no. 21: page Turner

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – July 9, 2023

Lemons and Limes are to share

The fresh scent of citrus fruit

Permeates the cool summer air

Grown from the same delicious kind 

Consume concentrated if you dare

As their juices are mighty sour,

Lemon and Limes are on my mind

In my hands, I possess the power

Treats to enjoy while admiring dimes

During the summer in evening hours,

Savory taste of Lemons and Limes

From their zest to the seeds inside

Remaining nutritious and sublime

Throughout the warmest season

I could eat them all the time


Poem no. 22: Lemons and Limes

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – June 25, 2023

Morning dew dripping

Down the grass’s blade to earth

Nature’s elixir


Haiku no. 20: Nature's Elixir

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – June 18, 2023

What are birds without a song?

Just rats floating in the sky,

Wings snap, crash into the ground,

Without a sound, what are we now?

A nomad with no place to rest

Like a fish out othe water,

The body has betrayed itself

We are birds without a song

Inmates of the silent prison

All alone now, just a pariah

A fate far worse than death


Poem no. 21: Birds without a song

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – June 11, 2023

Cool evening breezes

the sun on the horizon

With it comes pink skies


Haiku no. 19: Evening Sunsets

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – June 4, 2023

While you may see me as

just a failure,

As long as I breathe, 

I’ll never quit

There’s no stopping me 

from being merrier

Knocked down nine times but

I’ll get up ten times

I may be down, but I’m

never out of the fight

Adding trophies to my

growing shrine

Failing is actually a 

grand life lesson

A path to unforeseen 

success and riches

And the realization that

you are not less than


Poem no. 20: lesson of failure

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 28, 2023

Life is like a rock

Routine rooted as boulders

Just pebbles to throw


Haiku no. 18: Rocks

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 21, 2023

Today we celebrate our mothers

For they give us everything

Including our sisters and brothers

They nurture us and provide protection

Guiding us so that we may go

towards the right direction

Women so beautiful, fearless, and strong

Raising children and making them

feel like they belong

Thank you for your endless tender care

For a mother’s love feels

like an answered prayer


Poem no. 19: Mother's day

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 14, 2023

Know when you’re wanted

It’s not worth your sanity

Just keep moving on


haiku no. 17: Move on

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – May 7. 2023

With spring just on the horizon

Yellow pedals sprout, taking over

A swift conquest by these weeds

In summer, the flowers turn white

Kids blowing seeds into the wind

Spreading all the dandelion dreams

When the cycle ends, magic stays

Next year they shall return again

Making the next generation gleam


poem no. 18: Dandelion Dreams

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 30, 2023

An osprey’s great call

Echoes throughout the bayou 

Its water domain


Haiku no. 16: Osprey's domain

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 23, 2023

Hunting for gilded treasure

“X” does always mark the spot

Your heart is a locked chest

Hidden on a deserted island

I’m the one key that opens it

Loosening those steel chains

Letting the blood flow again

Inside reveals some riches

The gold ripe for the taking

Its light shining in the dark


Poem no. 17: Key to your heart

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 16, 2023

My soul floats on clouds

The skyis blue as can be

Light as a feather


Haiku no. 15: Sky Souls

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – April 9, 2023

My gaze admiring an old mirror

Cloudy, dirty, stained, and cracked

Showing no matter how much we yearn

There is no going back to the past

While it cannot tell me who is

In fact, the prettiest of them all

The damaged glass illustrates

All my misery and battle scars

I wish it were a kinder reflection

Then again, the ugliness and pain

Reminds me that I’ve come so far

The mirror is no longer pristine

Marks of the world upon its surface

reflected back, a sight to be seen


poem no. 16: A kinder reflection

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – March 20, 2023

The trees bleed resin

Pools of sap devour all

Casket of amber


haiku no. 14: Amber

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – March 12. 2023

While in my mortal 

sins, I drown

A symbol to remind me

there is a savior

Ashes…ashes we all 

fall down

Rejecting evil that lead

souls to burn

A mere man trusting 

in the Lord

I am but dust and to dust

I shall return


poem no. 15: ash wednesday

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 26, 2023

The knights of the air

Flying under no one’s boot

Free as an eagle


Haiku no. 13: Free bird

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 18, 2023

Your words cut me like a blade

Burning me like the fire of the sun

I hide but there is no escape

No matter how far I try to run

The good old days are over

When did we stop having fun

With no choice I stare into your eyes

Your gaze leaves me undone

Yet I hold my ground and stand firm

As our fight has only begun

You will pay for your misdeeds

You have the knife but I have the gun


Poem no. 14: No escape

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – February 10, 2023

Waves wash away tracks

Like God cleanses all our sins

Begin a clean slate


haiku no. 12: Washed Away

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 23, 2023

You proudly wear that 

mask of glam

Larping as a deity with

false perfection

A strangers’ attention 

reinforcing the sham

ait’s never enough the

insatiable lust for fame

“Fans” cheer you on as 

you lose yourself to a cam

You feast on the rotten

fruit of the world

All while I remain true

to who I am


Poem no. 13: Mask of glam

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 15, 2023

Fireworks go off

A sign that The New Year has come

Just another day



Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 1, 2023

Tree coated with the fresh scent of pine

Our spirits, at long last free to intertwine

Holiday lights turn on and shine bright

All gifts and goodies are wrapped tight

Santa atop the roof with his reindeer

To spread intoxicating Christmas cheer

In the morning, we open the presents

Soak in the happiness and stay present

While this blissful joy may soon end,

Toast to the time together we’ll spend


Poetry by Jordan Lopez – January 1, 2023

poem no. 12: Christmas pastime

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 30, 2022

Sitting by a warm fireplace

Yet my blood runs so cold

My purpose forever displaced

Unraveling by the threat

The needle piercing my soul

Similar to a drawn sword

My body sewn back together

With your knitted words


Poem No. 11: Knitted Words

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 18, 2022

Sky peacock feathers

the rainbow reminds us all

of God’s big promise


haiku no. 10: Sky peacock feathers

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December 11, 2022

I walk a lonely road,

the only one that I have ever known

A bumpy path to bring my woes

Not by choice, but I am prone

to getting lost. I don’t know where to go

I just want to find my home

Through all my highs and lows

In the end, I always end up all alone

I hope you enjoy the show


poem no. 10: A lonely road

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – December, 4, 2022

Stuffing our faces

With times of squashed pleasantries

Long live family


haiku no. 9: Giving Thanks

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 26, 2022

On nights where it’s too much

to bear the numbing pain

Peek at the scars that reveal 

the demons you’ve slain


poem no. 9: Scars of Demons

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 20, 2022

The flowers in bloom

Spring arrives with its beauty 

Love is in the air


Haiku no. 8: Spring's Arrival

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 13, 2022

Anxiety encasing me like a silky cocoon

Tangled in brittle emotional state

A hug is an escape from this sickness

The warmth ables me to sprout my wings

Light as a feather I am finally liberated

Your love provided the sweet release


Poem no. 8: power of hugs

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – November 6, 2022

The clover is picked

The four leaves decay away

Luck doesn’t exist


haiku no. 7: Lucky me

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 30, 2022

We keep kicking the can down the road

prolonging the inevitable conflict

For the next generation to give it a go

We keep kicking the can down the road

wasting time knowing we won’t be here

Indifference has made our progress slow

We keep kicking the can down the road

Leading toward a point of no return

The question is how well this shall bode

Now we forced the children to act

Leaders deprived them of what they’re owed


Poem no. 7: can of conflict

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 23, 2022

The man made of bronze

Seeking riches in silver

On roads paved of gold


Haiko no. 6: riches

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 18, 2022

The irresistible force meets

the immovable object

Your angelic voice cracks 

my stone heart

A consequence that your

Beautiful presences projects

You’re the only woman that

made me swoon

I thought love was for 

hopeless suckers,

but I would go over the

moon, just for you


poem no. 6: over the moon

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 9, 2022

On the mountain summit

Clear skies and nature’s bounty

Head among the clouds


Haiku no. 5: The Mountain Summit

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – October 3, 2022

Palms sweaty and knees weak

You have stolen my heart

I would ask you out only

If we weren’t so far apart


Poem No. 5: Love not to be

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 24, 2022

Blue heavens turn gray

wollen clouds looming over

The sky is falling


Haiku no. 4: Falling sky

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 18, 2022

Just us, we always got by

Thick and thin my friend

You have been by my side

All the way to the end


poem no. 4: friends

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 11, 2022

In Fall the leaves change

Carried by the gust of wind

Taken from their home


Haiku No. 3: Autumn Signs

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – September 4, 2022

My voice lies trapped and festering inside

Until the line of the final letter tapers

Then the numbing pain can at last subside

With these thoughts rooted on paper


Poem no. 3: THoughts on paper

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 29, 2022

The Shepherd of Souls

Take me to my final rest

Paradise of Saints


Haiku No. 2: The Shepherd of Souls

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 21, 2022

Walking together, my hand holding yours across the street

A dream in the strangers’ eyes, only to be all a facade

I give and give, yet receive little in return from you

You take and take, like a parasite affixed on my heart

Your powerful grip suffocating me more with each passing day

These gifts, just personal momentos to our hollowed love

Engraved reminders of all the pain you put us through

With the money spent, the emotions drained, and time wasted

I guess today on April 1st, I ended up as the true fool


Poem no. 2: The true fool

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 8, 2022

Why try to fit in?

If you were born to stand out

Just keep being you


Haiku no. 1: Be yourself

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 8, 2022

Please do not feel pity

God created me as I am

Please do not feel pity

This is all according to plan

Please do not feel pity

For I am no different from you

Society has your thoughts  about me skewed

I also want a girl to hold and love

And to elevate myself to the heavens above

Please do not feel pity

Everything is how it should be


Poem no. 1: Do not feel pity

Poetry by Jordan Lopez – August 8, 2022