Picking Yourself Up

Picking yourself up is what differentiates the quitters from the winners. I’ll try to cut a long and painful story short. I went on vacation and my computer wouldn’t turn on. I exhausted every solution I could find online but the only solution was the wipe the hard drive completely. Sadly, I didn’t have a backup and a lot of my poems and the updated drafts for both sequels of my books were lost. I was livid and felt like sulking. While I took some time to regroup, I still got back up. My mom didn’t raise me a quitter and it’s not in my DNA. So, I started the journey of picking myself up and reclaiming what I lost.

When Knocked Down Get Back Up

Plans Go Wrong, but The Mission Stays The Same

One of my favorite phrases is “You wanna make God laugh? Show him your plans.” I thought I had everything figured out. My book Looked down Upon: The Exiled Kin just got published and the sequel was well on it’s way. Oh well, now I get to pick myself up and I learned a valuable lesson. Remember you always learn more from your failures than your successes. So, now I will get a backup hard drive so that doesn’t happen again and save the files to my USB drive as well for insurance. Luckily, I had a very rough draft of the second book still on my USB drive so I don’t have to start over from scratch. I won’t waste this opportunity again and I’ll come back stronger. It’s never too late to pick yourself up and keep the goal in sight.