Other hobbies

Many of you know by now that I’m a proud writer. I’ve written poems, short stories, and even a book. However, I have other hobbies as well. Some have referred to me as a Jack of all trades, master of none. Which I can’t disprove that notion. Below, I attached a picture of an abstract painting, and I promise I’m not saying ‘abstract’ because it sucks and art is subjective like a lot of people do. I used to paint with acrylic paints everyday. I fell out of it for a a bit, but this week I had an itch I couldn’t scratch. So, I grabbed my personal smock that my Grandma got me years ago and went to town on a white canvas. I’m very pleased with the result, considering I haven’t painted in some time. Anyway, let me tell you more about my other hobbies.

Hobbies are A Lifesaver

This piece is inspired by Russian painter Wassily Kandisky

A few other hobbies I have include collecting. I use to collect legos as a kid, Nowadays, it’s common for adults collect legos and they’ve become expensive like they’re rare trinkets. I do collect rocks, coins, and WWE championship replica belts. Luckily, my obsessive behavior has mellowed out in my adult years so I don’t go broke. I’ve also been getting into gardening lately and love animals. Although, I don’t consider loving animals a hobby, it’s really more of a passion. Being on the autism spectrum, some assume I have few deep interests. I do try other hobbies, even if I’m not convince I’ll like them, because exploring other hobbies gives you the opportunity to meet new people. Not to mention, having hobbies is good for battling depression, anger issues, and anxiety. This has been proven by behavioral scientists, so go out there and form some hobbies in this stressful world.