My 180 Relationship With Writing

My 180 relationship with writing unlocked worlds for me. Believe it or not, I used to have great disdain for writing. I recall being in Language Arts during my middle school days, and unable to comprehend sentence structure and finding myself extremely frustrated. I didn’t understand where commas went or how to construct a poem. Long story short, that class ended up being my second worst grade that year. Years later, I am a completely new person. My relationship with writing has completely turned around. I would say my written communication exceeds my verbal communication at this stage in my life. Not only do I write poems, but for the past two years I have been working on a novel that I’m praying to be published someday. How did this come to be, you ask? I began reading more, absorbing the information, and writing daily. Keeping tabs on new words helped expand my vocabulary. I recognize this as a sign of maturity. You don’t grow by being comfortable. I have always enjoyed a good story, yet I never believed the day would come where I developed my very own stories. It’s thrilling seeing how far I’ve come.

Come back to things you hate every once in a while

Use to hate writing now I can't stop

The phrase ‘don’t knock it until you try it’ has legs. I learned that I saw words on paper as just that. Lacking the imagination to envision the story the words were conveying. Try thinking of an activity you weren’t so fond of at one point. Did you change your mind eventually and were shocked to see that it became one of your hobbies or activities? Life is short. I hope you found some inspiration in my story, so don’t be afraid to go try something you didn’t like in the past. People change, people grow, so make the best of it. My 180 relationship with writing defined my young adulthood. I genuinely do not know the person I would be today had I not found my passion for writing. If I can have a turnaround like this, anyone can.