Music and writing go hand in hand

Music and writing go hand in hand with one another. They are both mediums of art and forms of expression. There are countless types of music, from pop to rap to jazz to rap. Whatever music you listen to, use it to your advantage. I listen to music to decompress from a stressful day, but sometimes when I listen to the lyrics, I find inspiration for one of my poems. Whether it’s the words themselves or the story, the singer is conveying music has helped me with my craft through the years. I enjoy listening to music more than almost anything else. I strongly recommend listening to music in the background while typing on your computer. It can do wonders, especially you’re having a creative block. Some of my best work has come from just listening to music at my work desk.

Music is art, just like writing

Enjoy the lyrics while you write

My favorite platform for music is YouTube. I enjoy the visuals of the music video on top of the musical genius of a variety of artists. My current mood determines the genre of music I listen to. When I’m joyful, I listen to upbeat pop music. If my sad I listen to jazz or heavy metal. Same way my poetry reflects my emotions. Music I had been listening to directly influenced a few of my poems. I truly believe that without music, the world would be a much more dreadful place. It brings people together like nothing else can. I realize I am not alone in this belief that music and writing go hand in hand together. They are two mediums in the same family. Whether it’s writing, music, painting, sculpting, or sketching Humans and art have gone hand in hand since the dawn of humankind.