Mental Gymnastics

Mental Gymnastics is a phrase with a negative connotation associated with it. It’s often used using debates on morals, politics, or values. Basically, it’s a complex argument to justify the unjustifiable. Anyway, I’m gonna put a spin on this phrase to bring some positivity to it. I’m opting to take this word literally. I will offer some exercises for your brain to help improve your mental gymnastics to keep that creative edge. Your brain needs to work out just as much, if not more, than your physical body. The same principle applies. If you don’t work out, you’ll get soft and that’s a road to unhealthiness.

Mental Gymnastics keeps the words flowing

These exercises will keep your brain fit!

Mental Gymnastics has to be a commitment. Like I mentioned in a previous blog, read. Read, read, and read some more. It will always make you better as a writer and expand your vocabulary, as well as your wisdom. Eat well. There’s a lot of brain food out there, such as fish, berries, leafy greens, and nuts. (I can’t have the last food I mention because I’m allergic and my brain will die). Get sunlight and ironically get some actual exercise. Keeping active keeps depression at bay and helps keep your mental health in peak condition. Last, get sleep, otherwise your brain will be too tired to even form ideas. I hope I taught you some valuable mental gymnastics with this blog. To stay creative, you must take care of both your mind and body.