Finish The Story

Finish the story. It’s an expression as old as time. I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot in media recently and I strongly resinated with it. As you know, it took me over four years to publish my book. There were many trials and tribulations along the way. The editing, the plot holes, writer’s block, and those were just the actual writing struggles. I don’t even want to get into the publication process and how much research I went through after deciding to self-publish. In the end, I finished the story. My Grandma passing away lit a dwindling fire underneath me. It was a harsh reminder that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. 

I Must Finish The Story!

Whatever it takes...cross that finish line!

JK Rowling is a superb example. The author of Harry Potter cooked up not one, not two, not three, but seven books. Do you know how long it took her? Only ten years to write seven books, which are long and need to tell a cohesive story. She finished the story, and she’s reaping the rewards for it. Unlike George R. R. Martin, who will probably die before finishing the next book of the Game of Thrones series. My series Looked Down Upon will be a trilogy and I fully intend on finishing the story. Hopefully, the sequel doesn’t take me another four years to complete. Luckily, I understand the process now, so it shouldn’t. Fingers crossed my readers.