Clean Slate

Happy 2024 readers! It’s my first blog post of the new year and I am thrilled to continue this tradition I’ve established here. I achieved so much in 2023, both personally and professionally. However, 2024 is a clean slate and I can’t get complacent with my past achievements like someone who peaked in high school. Otherwise, I risk losing my drive and focus. No, that doesn’t mean I’ll stop talking about my book or promoting it if the opportunity arises. It just means, I start with a blank canvas and have to paint an even better masterpiece. Let your resolutions become a reality and dirty up your clean slate this year. I have faith in you and even if I didn’t, believe in yourself. That can be enough.

Clean Slate, let's get Started!

Lights, Camera, Action Baby!

I know I can’t speak for everyone, but 2023 was a pleasant chapter in my life, especially after a heartbreaking 2022 where my grandmother passed away. Last year, I went to New Orleans, saw my favorite basketball team play, and best of all…published my first novel as I’m sure most of you already know. After four grueling years, I accomplished arguably my biggest feat, yet. However, it’s a new year so my slate is wiped clean. So, I have to remain hungry, go out there and succeed even more. The world doesn’t stop rotating, so I must keep going like the planet. I hope the highlight of my clean plate is to publish book number 2. Happy New Year everyone, I hope nothing but the best you.