
It’s Christmas time, also known at the most wonderful time of the year. I could make a ton of holiday song references, but I don’t want a lot for my blog. There are just some things I need to go over. Okay, for real I’m done. So, Christmas is a time of joy, blessings, and spending time with loved ones. I will say I am lucky to have family and friends. However, not everyone has that privilege. Some don’t have family or friends, or even a home. I’m thankful I just had a Friendsmas last night. I always try to give back to those less fortunate. Which can done in many ways, giving away clothes that don’t fit, canned food drives, give toys to kids’ charities, and donating money of course. Remember, Christmas is about giving not getting, so make sure you spread some holiday cheer.

The Holidays Bring Us Together

Santa Will bring Your Gifts Very Soon

I remember when I was a kid, December was the slowest month of the year. I couldn’t sleep Christmas eve because I wanted to rip those presents to bits. Now, Christmas goes by so fast and I find myself missing my Grandma who passed away a year ago and being less enthusiastic about materialistic gifts. It’s crazy how different an adult and child’s perspective can be, isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong though, this time of year is still holds a warm place in heart despite the cold winter season. I already been given the best Christmas present I could’ve asked for this year, publishing my first novel. It still blows my mind, I accomplished my goal. Thank you everyone who hasĀ  helped me along the way. I hope you all have a great holiday and a happy new year. Here’s to 2024!