Choosing the title

Choosing the Title. A book’s title, along with its cover, is the key to hooking readers in. Without a captivating title, most will just walk by your book. How great you write the book is irrelevant if the title doesn’t do its job. The title has to be short yet poetic. It shouldn’t spoil the story but give the reader an idea of what it’s about. If your book’s genre is sci-fi, don’t title your book ‘The Imaginative Storm Cloud”. This makes your book sound like a children’s book instead of a futuristic alien book with tons of action. Having your character’s name in the title can work too. Choosing your title can make or break your book if you’re not careful. Remember, people always judge a book by its cover, as well as the title. So go out there and find your perfect title!

A book's title lures in the reader

Without titles books are just journals

I can’t lie to you. Choosing my title was the most difficult part of writing my book. I went through at least three different book titles in my manuscripts. The first with “Outcast”. I loved that title. It was short and fit the premise of the book. Only issue, that’s already a title of several books. Another thing to consider when picking a title is originality. You want to set your book apart from others. I know this isn’t easy. It took months to find a title that I was content with. When someone looks up your book title, you don’t want a dozen other books with the same title pop up. The setting of the book like George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is always a valid option too. Choosing your title requires research, finding an original title is tough in these times. Luckily for anyone lacking in the title generating process, there are title generators online to help you out!