Book Signing

I have my first ever book signing today! It’s been a little over two months since my first novel Looked Down Upon: The Exiled Kin was published. Which is available on kindle ebook, paperback, and hardback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and more. While, I am very proud of this accomplishment, I have only just began my journey as an author. Now that my work is out there, I have to keep promoting, asking questions, and most importantly writing. In order to maintain hype and relevance so readers will be interested. I got my first book signing gig from a close friend who runs a non-profit called OpportunAbility. It will take first at a local Cafe later today, but I could not be more excited!

I Got my pen ready to sign!

This serves as a reminder to follow through!

This is a wonderful opportunity (no pun intended) to get my foot in the door. I’ve reached out to my local library and other places to talk about my book. Remember my book is about an autistic teenager, which I can relate to on a personal level as someone on the spectrum. It still fills me with joy that I managed to write and publish a novel without an agent or publishing house. At the book signing, I’m looking forward to conversing about the plot and answering any questions potential readers have.  I look forward to meeting some familiar faces and new ones at the book signing today! Please consider giving my book a read and leaving a positive review once you’ve finished it. Have a lovely day and remember follow your dreams!