Author name: admin

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie or movie series is Star Wars. Yes, I’m a nerd but that’s not the point of this blog today. I just wanted you to learn a little more about the writer behind the quill. I was peculiar as a kid in that I was very selective with what movies I’d watch. If […]

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How It All Started

How it all started. My journey as a writer started late as most of you already know. I wasn’t a prodigy who spent his entire childhood writing poetry or since I could hold a pencil. It was college, where I fell love with writing and truly started honing my craft in the art of writing.

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Using Your Voice

Using your voice is what will lead to change in your life. I can speak from experience, as I’m not exactly what you’d call a social butterfly. Since I can remember I’ve always been more of a waller, a man of action than words. Perhaps, it’s the autism or that’s just my personality. We’ll ever

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Seizing Opportunities

Seizing opportunities typically yields favorable results. I’m sure we were all told by our parents and teachers to take advantage when an opportunity presents itself. The truth is, many people are terrified of failure and simply let the opportunity pass them by. This is a mistake because usually the worst result of taking an opportunity

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Picking Yourself Up

Picking yourself up is what differentiates the quitters from the winners. I’ll try to cut a long and painful story short. I went on vacation and my computer wouldn’t turn on. I exhausted every solution I could find online but the only solution was the wipe the hard drive completely. Sadly, I didn’t have a

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Finish The Story

Finish the story. It’s an expression as old as time. I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot in media recently and I strongly resinated with it. As you know, it took me over four years to publish my book. There were many trials and tribulations along the way. The editing, the plot holes, writer’s block,

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Video Influence

Video influence! Yes, we live in what we know as the age of information, but we also live in the age of social media. Whether it’s a positive or negative is up to one’s interpretation. However, trying to fight it is an uphill battle. There are many internet celebrities, influencers, and content creators that have

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You’re Published!

You’re published! Congratulations, so what now what? That’s not a rhetorical question, by the way. Even though you finished the book, the story is still ongoing. What does this mean, exactly? Well, once your book is out and available for purchase, you want to keep marketing it. I know, the promoting, advising, and marketing seems

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