About Me

Born and raised in Connecticut, I have always had an appreciation for the fine arts. Whether it involved sketching on scrap paper, going out for a hike to capture pictures, or trying my hand at acting in a school play, I always valued the “voice” different artistic mediums provided me with. As a young child, growing up on the autism spectrum wasn’t an easy experience. I often frustrated teachers with my uncompromising attitude and alienated peers with my silent demeanor. However, I don’t view my “disability” as a detriment but as a catalyst to become the best version of myself. It took me some time, but I learned to accept that autism is one of the things that makes me unique.
Now, I was not always interested in reading or writing. In fact, I didn’t learn to read until my 2nd grade teacher incentivized me to read by giving me a book about hermit crabs. Consequently, I didn’t shut up about them for a year, but it achieved the desired result. Tragically, in middle school, my relationship with writing became a little strained after struggling with sentence structure and poetry in English. The teacher shared one of my projects, which was laughed at by the class and it caused me to question my abilities surrounding creative writing. It wasn’t until 2017 that my passion for writing was ignited, when in my freshman year of college, my English professor simply loved my short story. She submitted it to the college magazine, where it was published! Writing soon followed me home in numerous forms. Poetry was always an interest of mine as I loved rhyming and for a while, I started journaling. One day I was daydreaming and unintentionally came up with a plot for a novel. Before long, I was writing every week. It became an emotional outlet and form of artistic expression. I now have my own poetry page on Instagram. Recently, a fellow writer asked to feature one of my pieces in their poetry anthology. Now, I am chasing my ultimate goal of having my book published.
When I am not engaging with the arts, you can find me spending time with my family and friends, working out, watching Netflix, and playing with my dog Jack and my cat Donut. I live a joyful life, determined to do anything I put my mind t0.