A hidden asset

A hidden asset that every writer as right at their fingertips is right in front of them. No, it’s not your reflection in the mirror, it’s books. Reading is the single best way to improve your abilities as a writer. Think about it, if you read often, you expand your vocabulary, get ideas of how to tell a story, and overall just keeping your mind sharp with knowledge. It’s like a workout for your brain.Which should be common sense if you really think about it. A hidden asset that really has no business being as obscure to the public eye that much. Now, I’m not saying that if you read “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss, your writing capabilities will skyrocket. Obviously. read at your age level and watch you progress much faster in your writing journey. 

more reading equates to better writing

Reading is feeding your brain

Initially, I did not use a hidden asset like reading when i first began. I found reading to be a little dull. Shocker, right? Well, soon I realize my writing skills would stagnate if I didn’t hit the library. So, reluctantly at first, I started reading. Only a couple of books a year, I had difficulty finding books that peaked my interest. I’m proud that so far this year, I’ve already read four books. Which is more books that I’ve read this year more than any year before in my life. I’m thrilled to say that it’s helped me tremendously. I don’t feel like I’m forcing myself to read anymore. Reading is a genuine pastime for me now. A hidden asset like reading will take your writing abilities to the moon if you let it. Hopefully, I can reach my goal of ten books this year and I challenge you to create a reading goal for yourself.